Adam Clark Memorial Garden Open Afternoon

Painting Adams coffin Painting Adams coffin Painting Adams coffin Painting Adams coffin Painting Adams coffin Painting Adams coffin Painting Adams coffin Painting Adams coffin

If you don't already know about the Adam Clark memorial trust, then I think it's best you visit the website It isn't something that can really be described in a few sentences. But in the briefest possible way, Adam Clark was a student at WSA a few years ago. His passion was the environment and nature and how we must preserve the natural beauty that surrounds us.

Sadly, Adam was killed in a car crash in 2004 and now his friends and family have set up a trust in his memory. The trust both teaches about and supports the wildlife and environment and helps young people and students with dyslexia. I don't think I'm the first to say that this trust is quite close to my heart. As a huge part of the trust, there is a garden in his memory and Saturday 16th June was the open afternoon. The garden, which is at the Clark's home, is a huge (but rewarding!) working progress. There is always something to do! However 16th June 2007 marked the beginning for the garden, so it can start teaching people about the world on our doorstep.

It was a very successful afternoon - I think we all enjoyed the cream teas! Also for sale were some fantastic pieces of artwork (mostly created by Adam's brother, Christopher) and I think a few international treasures as well. There were plants for sale (of which we took home a tomato plant which is finally blossoming!) and not forgetting a selection of delicious, luxury puddings kindly brought in by 'The Pudding Room'.

We had many visitors who clearly appreciated walking around the gardens. Speaking personally and I'm sure I'm not the only one, but there is something very humbling about standing at the top, surrounded by natural beauty and looking down onto an incredible panoramic view of the fells and lakes. The day was fun for everyone and we made a lot of money for the trust. As I was helping my Mum behind 'The Pudding Room' stand (yes, my Mum is 'The Pudding Room'!) it felt rather special to be a part of the trust, helping to make money and putting in mybit.

Now of course, with the introduction of IB and CAS, this is a project which will be visited regularly by students who want to put in their creativity, action and service.

Jenni Boardman
Lower Sixth pupil at Windermere St Annes